Error code 0x80070035: the network path was not found
Causes of occurrence:
As with any other error, code 0x80070035 can appear for absolutely different reasons. The most common causes are:
- NIC drivers not installed
- Not configured sharing
- Protocol disabled
- Protocol enabled
- Network security not properly configured
- Disabled SMB v1/CIFS support
- Incorrectly configured registry
- Necessary services are not running
- Overflowing DNS cache or modified network protocol settings
- Firewall enabled
Check for drivers
1) Launch the device manager: Start->Device Manager, then start it:

2) Go to the "Network Adapters" tab.
Right click on an available component, usually named "Realtek" and go to "Properties"

3) Note the "Device Status" column, which should indicate that the device is operating normally. If this is the case, the current driver version should be installed:

Setting up sharing
Often "error 0x80070035 - network path not found" appears due to improperly configured sharing in Windows 10.
1) Right-click the desired object and go to its properties

2) Move to the "Access" tab and click on the "Advanced Settings" button

3) Tick the "Share this folder" option and press "OK"

4) Go to Start->Settings->Network and Internet->Advanced sharing settings

5) Set permissions for all existing items except the password protection option, which should be disabled

6) Network access will now be available, save the changes and reboot the PC.
In some cases it helps to merge computers into one common group with a "Home" or "Private" profile
1) Open "Network Status Start->Set "Network status", start the program

2) Then find "Change connection properties"

3) Then change the profile to "Private"
Activating IPV4
In some operating systems, IPV4 is disabled by default, which may cause a crash with the code 0x80070035.
1) Go to Start->Settings->Network and Internet->Adapter Settings

2) Right-click on the active connection->Properties

3) Now move to the "Network" tab and make sure IPV4 is active (should be ticked). If so, simply close this window and move on to the next step. Otherwise move on.

3.1) Press "Install"

3.2) In the selection window, select "Protocol" and click "Add"

3.3) Then select "Reliable Multicast Protocol" or "Reliable Multicast..." and click "OK".

3.4) Restart the PC and check the result. Everything should work.
Disabling IPV6
For some users only turning off IPV6 completely helps to get rid of "network path not found" error.
1) Go to Start->Settings->Network and Internet->Adapter settings

2) Right-click on the active connection→Properties

3) Uncheck "IPV6" and press "OK"

4) Reboot the system. Perform this procedure on all computers participating in the future network.
Configuring the security policy
Another option to resolve the failure with code 0x80070035 "network path not found" is to make changes to the security policy.
1) Click on "Start" and enter the phrase "secpol.msc" to open the local policy, run it:

2) Then follow the path: Local Policies > Security Options > Network security: LAN Manager authentication level. Double click the option Network security: LAN Manager authentication level.

3) Then choose from the drop-down menu the option Send LM & NTLM-use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated. Then choose Apply and press OK to save the change.

Changing this setting may affect compatibility with clients, services and applications. Please refer to Network Security: Lan Manager Authentication Level for more information. (Q823659) These actions will solve the problem.
Enabling SMBL
There are three versions of the SMB protocol. The first version has been disabled by the developers of Windows 10 by default for security reasons, which most likely caused an error in detecting the network path with code 0x80070035. The component itself is deprecated and SMB versions 2 and 3 are functioning instead. However, this may not be enough for the system to work properly.
Therefore I suggest enabling SMB 1 to solve this problem.
1) Go to Start→Settings→Applications→Click on "Programs and Features" in the upper right corner of the window

2) Move to the component inclusion sub-section

3) In the list of components, find SMB and activate it by checking the box. Click "OK".

4) Reboot the system and check that everything is working.
Registry edit
Any application or operating system that is not running smoothly can cause registry corruption. Exactly as a result of this error 0x80070035 pops up. Therefore, it is imperative that you check the registry and, if necessary, make adjustments.
1) Click on "Start" and enter the phrase "regedit" to open the registry editor, run

2) On the left side of the window go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters\AllowInsecureGuestAuth, double click on it, look at the value, if it is "0" change it to "1" and click "OK"

3) Close the editor window and restart the PC.
Starting services
If you are still getting a notification about an undiscovered network path, it is likely that your computer is not running the appropriate services required for Windows 10 networking components to work properly.
1) Click on "Start" and enter the phrase "Services". , launch

2) Now go to the properties of each service listed below by right-clicking and change the startup type to "Automatic". The services we are looking for are
Function Discovery Provider Host (fdHost)
Function Discovery Resource Publication (FDResPub)
Function Discovery Resource Publication (FDResPub)
UPnP Device Host (upnphost)
DNS Client Service (dncache)
3) Close all windows, restart the computer and check the result.
Clear cache and reset settings
Sometimes it is possible to get rid of error 0x80070035 by resetting DNS cache and network settings.
1) Run command line as Administrator:
Start->Enter "cmd"->Find "Command Prompt"->Right-click the mouse->Run as Administrator

2) Enter the following commands in turn:
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
Each command must be followed by pressing "Enter"

3) After everything is done, close the console and restart the system.
Disabling the firewall
The Windows Firewall is a kind of firewall, which very often blocks an attempt to connect to your computer, so you have to change its settings or turn it off.
1) Start->Enter "Firewall"→Run "Windows Defender Firewall"

2) Click on "Enable and disable the Windows Defender Firewall"

3) Activate the available deactivation points and press "OK"

Ensure that sharing is correctly set up
1) Go to the properties of the folder, drive or other component you wish to share. Then go to the "Access" tab and click on the "Sharing" button. Make sure that the user named "Everyone" has the necessary privileges. If such a user does not exist at all, add it.