Domain name transfer to external DNS service CloudFlare
- It is assumed that you already have an account on this resource. For basic registration, only email is required. After that you should click "Add a Site" located on the main page of the LC.
- After that, in the window that appears, indicate the domain name of the site

- Next, you should choose a tariff plan for the site
- After choosing a tariff, the system will offer 1 of the options to choose from: automatically find DNS records for a given name, or import record data from a file, or specify
records manually. 1st option is recommended
- After adding DNS records for A records, 2 modes of operation will be offered - traffic proxying or DNS only. In the first case, all traffic to the site will go through the
CloudFlare servers. Also, in this case it is possible to use CloudFlare SSL certificates for the website. (they are issued free of charge, but they ONLY work in proxy mode, it will not be possible to import them to the server).

- As a result of these actions, this site will appear on the main page of the LC, indicating that a DNS update is expected. The whole process can take up to 24 hours. After the
domain is directed on the DNS server CloudFlare - this site will be marked as active.