
  1. Change port

Change Windows Server RDP Port

Changing the port is necessary because leaving the default makes it easier for potential attackers to find opportunities to connect to the server. First you need to open the port.

You can open the port from the command line. Important! In the command below, instead of NEW_PORT, enter the number of the port you want to replace the default RDP port with.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Custom RDP Port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=NEW_PORT

or in another way:

Then go to "Control Panel" - "Windows Firewall" - "Advanced Options"

Change Windows Server RDP Port

In the window that appears, select "New rule"

Change Windows Server RDP Port

Next, we indicate the port that you specified in paragraph 3, the rule that will be applied to connections to this port, network types (only local, or external too) and the name for the rule.

Change Windows Server RDP Port
Change Windows Server RDP Port
Change Windows Server RDP Port

Change port

Open the registry editor, for this press Win + R and type regedit

Change Windows Server RDP Port

Open the branch
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ TerminalServer \ WinStations \ RDP-Tcp

Change Windows Server RDP Port

Select the PortNumber parameter, select Decimal and change the value for it to the number of the port that you plan to use, for example, 55555 (by default 3389)

Change Windows Server RDP Port