Managing Your Profile and Settings in INTROSERV


The "Settings" section allows you to modify personal information, password, and other parameters. It is designed to manage user details, notification preferences, currency, interface language, and other settings affecting interaction with the INTROSERV system.

Key Elements

  • Required Fields: Some fields, such as Last Name, First Name, Email, City, and Address, are mandatory. Without these, payment processing is impossible.


  • Username: The username used to access the billing panel. Cannot be changed.
  • Profile Type: (Individual/Company) Specifies the account type. Note: Choosing the company profile may delay invoice payments until verification.
  • Country: The user's country of residence. This may affect available payment methods and taxation. To change the country, please create a support ticket.

Contact Information

  • Last Name: (Required)
  • First Name: (Required)
  • Email: Email address for communication and notifications. Click the corresponding button to specify a new email address. Email confirmation status is displayed here.
  • Mobile Phone: (Required) Enter your mobile phone number for identity verification via SMS or call. Click the "Verify" button for validation.
  • Call Password Verification: A feature for verification using a secret code word during calls. Adds an additional layer of security.
    • We will call the specified number. You don’t need to answer. Enter the last four digits into the field that appears below after clicking "Verify."
    • If you only have a landline, pick up the handset to hear four digits. If the call fails, use our second gateway.
    • If neither method works, please create a support ticket.
  • Postal Address: (Required) Fields for specifying the user's physical address. These details are mandatory for enabling payments.


  • Newsletter Subscription: Opt-in to receive company newsletters, updates, and offers at the specified email address.
  • Automatic Balance Notifications: Set a threshold below which the system will automatically send a low-balance notification.
  • Email Notifications:
    • Invoices/Orders: Email address for receiving invoice and order details.
    • Support: Email address for communicating with the support team.
    • Complaints: Email address for resolving issues.


  • Automatic Service Renewal: Enables automatic renewal of servers or other services.
    • Enabled: Services are automatically renewed if the balance is sufficient.
    • Disabled: Services must be renewed manually.


  • Site Currency: Select the currency for displaying prices and payments (e.g., Euros). This is the currency in which invoices are issued and transactions are conducted.
  • Payment Without Authorization: If enabled, the user can make payments without logging in again.


  • Interface Language: Select the language for displaying the personal account interface (e.g., Russian).


  • Code Word: A secret word used to verify identity when contacting support. Can only be entered once.
  • IP Restrictions: Restrict account access to specific IP addresses. Caution! Incorrectly configured IP restrictions can lock you out of your account.
    • IP Access Restriction for Billing: Enter each IP or IP range on a new line (e.g.,,, If nothing is specified, no restrictions apply.
  • Display Last IP: Enables displaying the last IP address used to log in.
  • Password Change:
    • New Password
    • Confirm New Password

To save changes, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.